brontes run

Run brontes

$ brontes run --help
Usage: brontes run [OPTIONS]

  -s, --start-block <START_BLOCK>
          Optional Start Block, if omitted it will run at tip until killed

  -e, --end-block <END_BLOCK>
          Optional End Block, if omitted it will run historically & at tip until killed

      --brontes-db-path <BRONTES_DB_PATH>
          path to the brontes libmdbx db

      --ranges <RANGES>...
          Optional Multiple Ranges, format: "start1-end1 start2-end2 ..." Use this if you want to specify the exact, non continuous block ranges you want to run

  -m, --max-tasks <MAX_TASKS>
          Optional Max Tasks, if omitted it will default to 80% of the number of physical cores on your machine

      --min-batch-size <MIN_BATCH_SIZE>
          Optional minimum batch size
          [default: 500]

  -q, --quote-asset <QUOTE_ASSET>
          Optional quote asset, if omitted it will default to USDT
          [default: 0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7]

  -i, --inspectors <INSPECTORS>
          Inspectors to run. If omitted it defaults to running all inspectors

      --initial-pre <INITIAL_VWAP_PRE>
          The initial sliding time window (BEFORE) for cex prices or trades relative to the block timestamp
          [default: 0.05]

      --initial-post <INITIAL_VWAP_POST>
          The initial sliding time window (AFTER) for cex prices or trades relative to the block timestamp
          [default: 0.05]

  -b, --max-vwap-pre <MAX_VWAP_PRE>
          The maximum sliding time window (BEFORE) for cex prices or trades relative to the block timestamp
          [default: 10.0]

  -a, --max-vwap-post <MAX_VWAP_POST>
          The maximum sliding time window (AFTER) for cex prices or trades relative to the block timestamp
          [default: 20.0]

      --vwap-scaling-diff <VWAP_SCALING_DIFF>
          Defines how much to extend the post-block time window before the pre-block
          [default: 0.3]

      --vwap-time-step <VWAP_TIME_STEP>
          Size of each extension to the vwap calculations time window
          [default: 0.01]

          Use block time weights to favour prices closer to the block time

      --weights-pre-vwap <PRE_DECAY_WEIGHT_VWAP>
          Rate of decay of bi-exponential decay function see calculate_weight in brontes_types::db::cex
          [default: -0.0000005]

      --weights-post-vwap <POST_DECAY_WEIGHT_VWAP>
          Rate of decay of bi-exponential decay function see calculate_weight in brontes_types::db::ce
          [default: -0.0000002]

      --initial-op-pre <INITIAL_OPTIMISTIC_PRE>
          The initial time window (BEFORE) for cex prices or trades relative to the block timestamp for fully optimistic calculations
          [default: 0.05]

      --initial-op-post <INITIAL_OPTIMISTIC_POST>
          The initial time window (AFTER) for cex prices or trades relative to the block timestamp for fully optimistic calculations
          [default: 0.3]

      --max-op-pre <MAX_OPTIMISTIC_PRE>
          The maximum time window (BEFORE) for cex prices or trades relative to the block timestamp for fully optimistic calculations
          [default: 5.0]

      --max-op-post <MAX_OPTIMISTIC_POST>
          The maximum time window (AFTER) for cex prices or trades relative to the block timestamp for fully optimistic calculations
          [default: 10.0]

      --optimistic-scaling-diff <OPTIMISTIC_SCALING_DIFF>
          Defines how much to extend the post-block time window before the pre-block
          [default: 0.2]

      --optimistic-time-step <OPTIMISTIC_TIME_STEP>
          Size of each extension to the optimistic calculations time window
          [default: 0.1]

          Use block time weights to favour prices closer to the block time

      --weights-pre-op <PRE_DECAY_WEIGHT_OPTIMISTIC>
          Rate of decay of bi-exponential decay function see calculate_weight in brontes_types::db::cex
          [default: -0.0000003]

      --weights-post-op <POST_DECAY_WEIGHT_OPTIMISTIC>
          Rate of decay of bi-exponential decay function see calculate_weight in brontes_types::db::ce
          [default: -0.00000012]

      --quote-offset <QUOTE_OFFSET>
          Cex Dex Quotes price time offset from block timestamp
          [default: 0.0]

  -c, --cex-exchanges <CEX_EXCHANGES>
          CEX exchanges to consider for cex-dex analysis
          [default: Binance,Coinbase,Okex,BybitSpot,Kucoin]

  -f, --force-dex-pricing
          Force DEX price calculation for every block, ignoring existing database values

          Disables DEX pricing. Inspectors needing DEX prices will only calculate token PnL, not USD PnL, if DEX pricing is unavailable in the database

      --behind-tip <BEHIND_TIP>
          Number of blocks to lag behind the chain tip when processing
          [default: 10]

          Legacy, run in CLI only mode (no TUI) - will output progress bars to stdout

          Export metrics

          Wether or not to use a fallback server

      --fallback-server <FALLBACK_SERVER>
          Address of the fallback server. Triggers database writes if the main connection fails, preventing data loss

  -r, --run-id <RUN_ID>
          Set a custom run ID used when inserting data into the Clickhouse
          If omitted, the ID will be automatically incremented from the last run stored in the Clickhouse database.

  -w, --waterfall
          shows a cool display at startup

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

  -V, --version
          Print version

  -v, --verbosity...
          Set the minimum log level.
          -v      Errors
          -vv     Warnings
          -vvv    Info
          -vvvv   Debug
          -vvvvv  Traces (warning: very verbose!)

          Silence all log output