Classification Tables

AddressToProtocolInfo Table

Table Name: AddressToProtocolInfo

Description: Stores mappings of blockchain addresses to specific protocol info, used by the classifier dispatch to decode and normalize traces.

Key: Address

  • Type: Address
  • Description: Contract Address.

Value: ProtocolInfo

  • Description: Contains information linking an address to a protocol and its associated tokens.


  • protocol:
    • Type: Protocol
    • Description: The protocol associated with the address.
  • token0, token1, token2, token3, token4:
    • Type: Address
    • Description: Addresses of tokens associated with the contract, where token0 and token1 are mandatory and others are optional. If the contract doesn't contain a token the addresses are set to the zero address.
  • curve_lp_token:
    • Type: Option<Address>
    • Description: Address of the Curve liquidity pool token, if applicable.
  • init_block:
    • Type: u64
    • Description: The block at which the contract was created.

TokenDecimals Table

Table Name: TokenDecimals

Description: Token decimals and symbols.

Key: Address

  • Type: Address
  • Description: Token Address.

Value: TokenInfo

  • Description: Contains token decimals and symbols.


  • decimals:
    • Type: u8
    • Description: Token decimals.
  • symbol:
    • Type: String
    • Description: Token symbol.