MevBlocks Table

Table Name: MevBlocks

Description: This table stores the output of Brontes' analytics pipeline.

Key: Block number (u64)

  • Type: u64
  • Description: Block number.

Value: MevBlockWithClassified

  • Description: Contains MEV info at the block level and a list of MEV bundles detected within the block.


  • block:
    • Type: MevBlock
    • Description: General information about the block, including MEV-related metrics and builder mev & non mev profits.
  • mev:
    • Type: Vec<Bundle>
    • Description: A list of mev bundles identified within the block.
    • Permalink: Bundle Structure

MevBlock Fields

  • block_hash:
    • Type: B256
    • Description: Block hash.
  • block_number:
    • Type: u64
    • Description: Block number.
  • mev_count:
    • Type: MevCount
    • Description: A count of various types of MEV bundles detected.
  • eth_price
    • Description: The CEX price of ETH when the block was produced.
  • total_gas_used
    • Description: The total gas used in the block.
  • total_priority_fee
    • Description: The total priority fee paid in the block.
  • total_bribe
    • Description: The total direct builder payment in the block.
  • total_mev_priority_fee_paid:
    • Description: The total priority fee paid by MEV bundles in the block.
  • builder_address:
    • Type: Address
    • Description: Address of the block builder.
  • builder_eth_profit
    • Description: Builder PnL in ETH.
  • builder_profit_usd
    • Description: Builder PnL in USD.
  • builder_mev_profit_usd
    • Description: Vertically integrated searcher PnL in USD.
  • builder_searcher_bribe
    • Description: Builder bribe paid by vertically integrated searchers to the block builder.
  • builder_searcher_bribe_usd
    • Description: Builder bribe paid by vertically integrated searchers to the block builder in USD.
  • proposer_fee_recipient:
    • Type: Option<Address>
    • Description: Proposer fee recipient address.
  • proposer_mev_reward
    • Description: Proposer MEV reward queried from the relay data API.
  • proposer_profit_usd
    • Description: Proposer PnL in USD.
  • total_mev_profit_usd
    • Description: Total MEV profit of all MEV bundles in the block.

Bundle Fields

  • header:
    • Type: BundleHeader
    • Description: Header information of the MEV bundle
  • data:
    • Type: BundleData
    • Description: Enum that encapsulates specific data structures for each type of MEV.

Bundle Header

Bundle Header: The Bundle Header is common to all MEV types within Brontes. It provides a uniform structure for capturing essential transaction details, enabling the classification and analysis of MEV activities.


  • block_number: Identifies the block number where the MEV event occurred.
    • Type: u64
  • tx_index: Index of the transaction within the block.
    • Type: u64
  • tx_hash: Hash of the transaction involved in the MEV event.
    • Type: B256
  • eoa: Address of the externally owned account initiating the transaction.
    • Type: Address
  • mev_contract: Optionally, the address of a smart contract involved in the MEV strategy.
    • Type: Option<Address>
  • profit_usd: Profit in USD derived from the MEV activity.
    • Type: f64
  • bribe_usd: Cost in USD paid as a priority fee or bribe.
    • Type: f64
  • mev_type: Categorizes the type of MEV activity.
  • no_pricing_calculated: Indicates if the MEV was calculated without specific pricing models.
    • Type: bool
  • balance_deltas: A list of balance changes across different addresses.



  • tx_hash: Transaction hash where the balance change occurred.
    • Type: B256
  • address_deltas: List of balance changes by address.



  • address: Blockchain address experiencing the balance change.
    • Type: Address
  • name: Optional name or alias for the address.
    • Type: Option<String>
  • token_deltas: Detailed changes in token balances.
    • Type: Vec<TokenBalanceDelta>



  • token: Detailed information about the token.
    • Type: TokenInfoWithAddress
  • amount: Amount of the token that has changed.
    • Type: f64
  • usd_value: USD value of the token change.
    • Type: f64

Bundle Data

Bundle Data is an enumeration that encapsulates specific data structures representing different MEV strategies.

pub enum BundleData {
  • Description: Each variant in the Bundle Data enum represents a distinct type of MEV, with a specific struct that contains the details of the bundle.


Description: Represents a range of sandwich attack strategies, from standard to complex variations. These attacks typically involve a frontrun and a backrun transaction bracketing a victim's trade, exploiting the victim's slippage.

Type: Sandwich


  • frontrun_tx_hash: Hashes of transactions that frontrun the victim.
  • frontrun_swaps: Details of swaps executed in the frontrunning transactions.
  • victim_swaps_tx_hashes: Hashes of victim transactions targeted by the frontrun.
  • victim_swaps: Details of swaps executed by the victim.
  • backrun_tx_hash: Hash of the transaction that backruns the victim.
  • backrun_swaps: Details of swaps executed in the backrunning transaction.

Atomic Arb

Type: AtomicArb

Description: Represents arbitrage strategies that exploit price discrepancies across different liquidity pools or exchanges within a single transaction.


  • tx_hash: Transaction hash of the arbitrage.
  • swaps: List of swaps executed to capitalize on the arbitrage opportunity.
  • arb_type: Type of arbitrage strategy, categorized by complexity and methodology, such as Triangle, CrossPair, StablecoinArb, or LongTail.

Jit Liquidity

Type: JitLiquidity

Description: Involves strategies where liquidity is added just-in-time to facilitate trades or other on-chain operations, often to minimize slippage or to setup for subsequent profitable trades.


  • frontrun_mint_tx_hash: Hash of transactions adding liquidity.
  • frontrun_mints: Liquidity additions that precede critical trades.
  • victim_swaps_tx_hashes: Hashes of trades that utilize the just-added liquidity.
  • victim_swaps: Details of trades using the added liquidity.
  • backrun_burn_tx_hash: Hash of transactions removing liquidity post-trade.
  • backrun_burns: Liquidity removals following the trading activity.

Jit Sandwich

Type: JitLiquiditySandwich

Description: A combination of JIT liquidity strategies and sandwich attacks, where liquidity is added and removed to exploit and manipulate trade outcomes extensively.


  • frontrun_tx_hash: Hashes of transactions that both frontrun a victim and add liquidity.
  • frontrun_swaps: Swaps executed in the frontrunning phase.
  • frontrun_mints: Liquidity added in anticipation of victim trades.
  • victim_swaps_tx_hashes: Hashes of victim transactions.
  • victim_swaps: Trades executed by the victim.
  • backrun_tx_hash: Hash of the transaction that removes liquidity and possibly executes backrun swaps.

Cex Dex

Type: CexDex

Description: Exploits the price differences between centralized exchanges (CEX) and decentralized exchanges (DEX) for arbitrage opportunities.


  • tx_hash: Transaction hash of the arbitrage.
  • swaps: List of swaps executed across exchanges.
  • global_vmap_details: Arbitrage details using global VMAP quotes.
  • optimal_route_details: Arbitrage executed using the most optimal routing across exchanges.


Description: Involves transactions aimed at executing liquidations on over-leveraged positions in DeFi protocols, often involving complex strategies to trigger these liquidations profitably.


  • liquidation_tx_hash: Transaction hash of the liquidation.
  • trigger: Transaction or event that triggered the liquidation.
  • liquidation_swaps: Swaps executed as part of the liquidation process.

Unknown (SearcherTx)

Description: This category captures MEV-related transactions that do not fit into the standard categories, often involving bespoke or highly specialized strategies.


  • tx_hash: Hash of the transaction.
  • transfers: Details of transfers executed within the transaction, often linked to complex MEV strategies.