Block Tables

Block Info Table Schema

Table Name: BlockInfo

Description: Stores p2p & mev-boost data for each block.

Key: Block number (u64)

Value: BlockMetadataInner


  • block_hash:
    • Type: U256
    • Description: The block hash.
  • block_timestamp:
    • Type: u64
    • Description: Block timestamp.
  • relay_timestamp:
    • Type: Option<u64>
    • Description: Timestamp when the block was received by the first relay.
  • p2p_timestamp:
    • Type: Option<u64>
    • Description: Timestamp when the block was first seen by a fibernode.
  • proposer_fee_recipient:
    • Type: Option<Address>
    • Description: Address of the proposer fee recipient.
  • proposer_mev_reward:
    • Type: Option<u128>
    • Description: Amount of MEV reward payed to the proposer.
  • private_flow:
    • Type: Vec<TxHash>
    • Description: List of transaction hashes that were not seen in the mempool via Chainbound fibernodes.

TxTraces Table Schema

Table Name: TxTraces

Description: Contains the transaction traces produced by the custom revm-inspector for each block.

Key: Block number (u64)

Value: TxTracesInner


  • traces:
    • Type: Option<Vec<TxTrace>>
    • Description: A block's transaction traces.