Tables Schema

This page serves as a directory for the Brontes database tables. Click on the links provided for detailed schemas and further explanations about each table’s role and contents.

Pricing Data

  • DexPrice: DEX pricing data at a transaction level of granularity.
  • CexPrice: Price data from centralized exchanges.
  • CexTrades: Trade data from centralized exchanges.

Block Data

  • BlockInfo: P2P and mev-boost data for each block.
  • TxTraces: Transaction trace data for each block.


Classification Data

These tables are used during the classification process.

Brontes Output Data

  • MevBlocks: Output of Brontes’ analysis, containing the mev bundles identified in each block.


  • PoolCreationBlocks: Tracks the creation of liquidity pools, which informs the dex pricing module on what pools to initialize for a given block range.
  • InitializedState: Indicates the state loaded into Brontes to identify the data that needs to be downloaded from Clickhouse.