brontes db init

Fetch data from the api and insert it into libmdbx

$ brontes db init --help
Usage: brontes db init [OPTIONS]

  -i, --init-libmdbx
          Initialize the local Libmdbx DB

  -t, --tables-to-init <TABLES_TO_INIT>
          Libmdbx tables to initialize: TokenDecimals AddressToTokens AddressToProtocol CexPrice Metadata PoolState DexPrice CexTrades

      --brontes-db-path <BRONTES_DB_PATH>
          path to the brontes libmdbx db

      --price-tw-before <QUOTES_TIME_WINDOW_BEFORE>
          The sliding time window (BEFORE) for cex quotes relative to the block time
          [default: 3]

      --price-tw-after <QUOTES_TIME_WINDOW_AFTER>
          The sliding time window (AFTER) for cex quotes relative to the block time
          [default: 3]

      --trades-tw-before <TRADES_TIME_WINDOW_BEFORE>
          The sliding time window (BEFORE) for cex trades relative to the block number
          [default: 3]

      --trades-tw-after <TRADES_TIME_WINDOW_AFTER>
          The sliding time window (AFTER) for cex trades relative to the block number
          [default: 3]

  -c, --cex-exchanges <CEX_EXCHANGES>
          Centralized exchanges that the cex-dex inspector will consider
          [default: Binance,Coinbase,Okex,BybitSpot,Kucoin]

  -s, --start-block <START_BLOCK>
          Start Block to download metadata from Sorella's MEV DB

  -e, --end-block <END_BLOCK>
          End Block to download metadata from Sorella's MEV DB

  -d, --download-dex-pricing
          Download Dex Prices from Sorella's MEV DB for the given block range. If false it will run the dex pricing locally using raw on-chain data

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

  -V, --version
          Print version

  -v, --verbosity...
          Set the minimum log level.
          -v      Errors
          -vv     Warnings
          -vvv    Info
          -vvvv   Debug
          -vvvvv  Traces (warning: very verbose!)

          Silence all log output